"Some days, you eat the bear. Some days, the bear eats you. But always dress for the hunt!" - The Adventurer's Club
The Bear - whatever self-destructive tendency that gets the better of you./Ammo - Tools for success!/Dressing for the Hunt - Prepare for what comes with support.
Anyone else like the taste of Roasted Bear Meat?
I do.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Considering Going Vegan?

It seems like I keep running into Vegans over the past few years. I myself was a vegetarian from the age of 13-15, and ended up with an iron deficiency it took years to correct. So I haven't really gone back to it, but something has stuck with me from those days.

If I don't pay attention to my meat intake, I'll go veggie again. I find that when I'm focusing on high nutrient, low calorie foods, I end up eating a lot of salads, steamed veggies, beans, etc, and I naturally veer away from meat.

So it's been really great to see all these people turning Vegan as a healthy lifestyle choice. Now, there is a "right way" and a "wrong way" to do ANY lifestyle. Meat in excess will kill you (heart disease). Just veggies can lower your immune system and still make you fat (beer and wine, for example, are perfectly vegetarian friendly, and will still make you sick and/or fat in excess).

If you're thinking about making the change, check out my blogger pal Kyle's 21 day recap of going Vegan by clicking here. Enjoy!

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